Monday, October 13, 2008


Watch this. Then tell me how you did.


Anonymous said...

Pleased (and frankly, surprised) that you and I had such different experiences with this. You are such a great observer of people!

Anonymous said...

I may be a great observer of people, but apparently I have a blind spot for apes!

Unknown said...

I am EXCELLENT at counting passes, but not perceptive enough to see apes! I even wondered why people were laughing as i was counting. It never occurred to me that they were seeing something I wasn't! :)

L. Kelly said...

I heard from several of my Tweeple who checked this out -- and they missed the ape as well. Who caught it? My good buddy Sly, with whom I share a special gift: We're both ADD! We were able to count AND see the "invisible" ape that you more-focused folks couldn't!